We wanted to find a way to give back to the community
by creating a safe workplace for adults with special needs
to flourish!
According to the National Autistic Society, only 15% of people on the spectrum work in full time employment.
Interacting with animals has been shown to help reduce stress, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and even encourage more physical activity for people with ASD (Autism spectrum disorder).
In order to give back to our community, we are working with some of the leading NGO’s in Israel to offer training & long term career opportunities for adults with disabilities. Our goal is to provide full-time employment for adults with special needs in a fun and safe environment, working with animals.
Our Walking Together staff are disciplined, highly self motivated and require a proper routine
Our workers need a supportive, friendly & loving work environment to truly thrive
Many of our Walking Together staff find it easier to connect with animals, rather than people
All of our Walking Together staff are extremely committed by passion and purpose
Building a scalable model which is both profitable and makes an impact
Dogiz is running courses created by specialists from the Shekel NGO and professional dog trainers who are certified and experienced in assessing and training adults with autism. Each new member goes through this course in order to acquire all the necessary skills to become a professional dog walker, and a valued member of the Dogiz family.
Our Walking Together staff quickly integrate into the Dogiz family and start their job as professional dog walkers. As part of the job, they meet and connect with clients and take care of their dogs. Our walkers use the Dogiz app to manage their schedule and plan their routes.
Each member of our Walking Together staff has a special mentor to help guide them through their working life at Dogiz. Our mentor is specially trained to help support the staff in any of their needs. We support our Walking Together staff and will accompany them to meet any new potential clients. Once a month we hold a personal goals session to help them set personal and work goals for the month ahead.
Each employee walks on average 5-6 dogs a day!
15 Walking Together employees
Over 4000+ Booking
Each Walking Together member works on average 20 hours a week
Day to day guidance and mentoring
Average monthly income from
Dogiz = 3.000 NIS – 4.000 NIS